But with an old laptop, it might be difficult to maintain the sticker at its place. You can get the service tag number, express service code, or any such details there. Though the easier method is to have a look at the sticker just underneath your system. You just need to type a command and get the serial number right in front of you. You can have the Dell laptop serial number, without downloading any dell service tag checker. There isn’t any doubt, the programs are lightweight, but why install a separate app, when you can get the serial number without them. But the method they show, involve downloading and installing of numerous programs. You can always have Dell service tag lookup, or the serial number lookup, by visiting the OEM’s website. The service tag number in Dell, or the serial number, is the method for uniquely identifying a laptop, notebook, or any other device.

The same is applicable for other brands, as well. Finding the service tag number in Dell laptops is the elementary task to get warranty or service.